Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

The socks off / skin cells is too real

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I know that one was mostly for the nurses 😂

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

Especially the nurses taking care of DFU’s

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

Lol! I worked in wound care for 20 years . The Horror!

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HA! And also God Bless you. Please give me an open abdomen anyday over a Stage 4 pressure injury.🙏

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

Correct on that one. But I have had some gnarley abdominal wounds in my day. I need to write all my escapades down. We had some doozies. One was a lady who had something eating her face up. She did hyperbaric therapy + everything they could throw at her. Nothing worked. I didn’t get to find out how this resolved. She finished HBOT & went on to other specialists.

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Oh no doubt! One two week burn rotation at Temple was enough to last a lifetime. You must be familiar with a Bogota Bag then? Wound vacs are great and all, but those were always a sight.

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

We never used Bogata bags but wound vacs were by the dozens. I spent most of my wound care in the outpatient clinic but we also did rounds in inpatients when there was a need. The hospital I worked at had full time 2 WOCN’s that we occasionally subbed for. I was a Hyperbaric Nurse but also did my share of wound care.

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PS Chelie, please let me know when you write those escapades down 😘

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OMG how did I miss this post 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I cry-snort-laughed through these! ha ha! Thank you! I really needed it! When are you taking your show on the road? And can I come when you do? 🙏🏻 pleeeease 😬

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Haha! You didn’t miss it, just a little late to what’s become a really fun break from the monotony of healthcare. I’m actually really happy this one did so well and glad we can all laugh about it together for a hot second.

Maybe I’ll sprinkle some of my 😈 humor into your podcast episode next month. 😂


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Great collection of nursing memes Kristin ✨💖✨ I’m sure for any nurse reading through them it might get be a cathartic experience. Humor is good for our souls, and I laughed at many of these! Thank you!

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You’re welcome!! I’m happy you got a laugh 🤣

The day to day is not very funny at all, but I can only laugh some days

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

Last year I was in a hospital for 92 days getting a BLT. Out of all the nurses that helped me, only 1 was there for a check. All the rest were human angels, smart and dedicated. The doctors and surgeons saved my life, but it was the nurses that helped me stay sane, rooting for me all the way. I love every one of the nurses and can’t thank them enough. Even the dozens and dozens of cookies I sent did not do them justice for putting up with me that long. Kudos to you Nurse Kristin🙏👍😎

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Thank you Jeffrey. I don’t do lungs, kidney and pancreas though, also did open heart in the past, and wow to you! 👏🏻

Years ago one of my nurse coworkers underwent a lung transplant and gave us all her incredible perspective when she came back to work!

I try to never forget what it’s like to be on the other side.

Yes the nurses are your biggest cheerleaders and always appreciate the cookies..

❤️ 🙏🏻

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I thought at first I only wanted the procedure robotically, but my PF was so bad I had to just give in. Someone was watching over me. Only on the donor list for 3 days. I know right? My heart stopped first 2 times being extubated, but third time was the charm. Some goober in the room next to me extubated himself. Caused a stir. At times I thought my wife was in the room, she wasn’t. I thought I was hearing music, I wasn’t. Getting back my ability to swallow took the longest. June 3 was 1 year. UTSW Dallas. Just know I think you angels are amazing.

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Sep 21Liked by Nurse Kristin

One of my RNs oft says, “we see more ass than a hooker”.

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💯 😂

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Really quite good....Thanks :-)

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You’re welcome Roger 😊

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I volunteer as an EMT and understand that it’s the nursing staff that makes things happen…that and they’re ALL POWER. Pax 😎

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Yeah if you know you know. 💥 Thanks! We love our EMTs.

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So fun! Number 15😺

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Haha! Def! 🤣

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Sep 20Liked by Nurse Kristin

#19 is my fav.

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It’s my top 3 for sure. The baby mannequins though 🤣

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Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

Thank you! Loved your memes only begin to touch the reality of the TRAINWRECK that is our profession and the ethics of Nursing CIRCLING THE DRAIN! Greatest profession in the world til we caved to the plandemic. No doubt people died prayers for all of them and their families but ya know what Universal Precautions work. When I first started Nursing in a rural Michigan ER 1985 we came into contact with all sorts of stuff I’ve had patients vomit in my mouth when I was doing CPR and I’ve been stuck with needles accidentally and intentionally bitten hit kicked etc etc all part of it. But what is not part of it is the coercion and manipulation and the abuse of our criminal abuse of our rights

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Oh wow! Way before my time, although I started c. 2004 and heard a very different version of why there was a shortage in the 80’s from my seasoned coworkers.

Do you write about it? I would love to read it actually. Canada now? I don’t know any Canadian nurses actually..

It’s a wonderful profession, always proud to be a part of it and do my best to separate the rest.

I’m glad my kids didn’t follow in my footsteps.. I think they witnessed firsthand my frustration and exhaustion, I only wish I talked to them more about the camaraderie we nurses share !!

❤️ 💪🏼

Some of the best friends you’ll ever have. 😘

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Sep 20Liked by Nurse Kristin

It is true it’s like being in the trenches together, depending on each other to save not only your own arse but your patients life. Takes team work! And great coworkers made every day good for me!

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PS I’m reading— I don’t watch the news at all so usually lost in a lot of discussions. I get it now.

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Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin


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Kristin, my own Mom was an RN and had many adventures, I am sure...but this was back in my childhood of long ago and she did not share the details with me! I do appreciate the intensity of what nurses go through every single day, being on the frontline and in between patients, families and Doctors. I had a few good and kind nurses back in 2021, when I went to ER with internal bleeding for what turned out to be a duodenal ulcer. I am not an easy patient and I was clear with the staff about my limitations of being pushed (this was C-bug time and NO jab for me!). Fortunately, all worked out and WW 3 was avoided and I quit taking Excedrin, which had been the main irritant. Nursing is an overwhelming profession. I appreciate the rueful humor of your memes. I will say one thing, I did not agree with the meme about Jesus Christ. He and His Papa are the Healers of all Healers. Sometimes God uses Doctors and Nurses to heal. Sometimes He heals directly. Thanks for some humor! Wendy

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You’re welcome. I remember you said on one of my earlier posts that your Mom was a nurse so thank you again for your support..

I’ll always pray with my patients and for my patients, on my way to and from work and one last time before I close my eyes. Most of the chaplains pray for the strength of the healthcare workers and in my experience that’s a new and welcome addition to all the prayers.

I’m definitely not ever trying to start WW3 and so I always wish for my intentions to be clear. I always love to talk about God, who I’ve seen work in mysterious ways. 😉

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Kristin, bless you! You are the real thing, just like my Mom was. She attended Nursing School back in the early 1930's in Winnepeg, Manitoba. She had the deep gift of compassion, plus her deep faith in God and His Son. I appreciate you sharing the gnarly reality of being a Nurse, one of the most valued and yet difficult professions. I am with you and I humbly thank you for praying for your patients. Prayer sets things in motion, for good, in accord to God's will for that person and situation. God bless and keep you, Wendy

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Sep 20Liked by Nurse Kristin

Love that you pray for your patients! God is the great physician!

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

I think you’ll make it as a meme-er ! I had to sent the administrator response to my wife who’s having issues with a few at her medical facility. Bulls eye on what she’s dealing with.

that ass, though 🫢🫢😮😂😉

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Oh I’m a full time meme-er! Just not on Substack. Haha sorry about that 🍑 one, I couldn’t resist.

Some body crossed a line yesterday, maybe thought this was Bumble and they got ✌🏻

I always say if I won the lottery I’d be one of those crazy people that still goes to work. Obviously just not as often.

🇺🇸 ❤️ 💰 😇

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Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

Because you like what you do - it wouldn’t feel like work ! And I’m ok with the peach 🤭

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So, last year, my mother-in-law called to let us know that my father-in-law's nurse had summoned the chaplain. She was screaming that he didn’t have much time left. Trena and I left work and rushed to be by his side. It turns out he was having a panic attack, and old mom didn’t understand the difference between a panic attack and a heart attack, so she was losing her shit and not listening to anything she was being told. The nurse called the chaplain to talk her down.

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Oh Geno 😭😭😭😭

Hopefully the nurses know when “to seek expert consultation”

Never hurts to be sure and it’s a heart attack until proven otherwise! ⚖️🧑‍⚖️🤣 🤞🏻 🙏🏻

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Sep 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

Love these!! The doctor and power trip I think is my favorite

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Classic! I also hear the marry a doctor one a lot and no thanks, they’re never home—🤣

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I know, right. A very misogynistic comment too. Do they still say that?

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19Author

Every once in a blue moon and it doesn’t bother me. My former mother in law actually went to nursing school and dropped out when she got married. I think she always regretted it a little too because nursing is a calling for the majority of us.

Just different times 😊

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I can’t LIKE this enough!! So so good. 😂❤️

I’ll never know the special joy/pain of being a nurse. But after 26 years as a massage therapist, I can relate to much of this. Skin cells & all. 🤦‍♀️

Thanks for the belly laughs, I really needed it. Cuz that harvest moon is still having its way with me. I feel like I was turned inside out and kicked off a cliff! 😳🫣😆

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Hahaha I feel great! Almost always supercharged with the 🌕.

When I’m not though ugh!

I never argue over the moon with anyone outside of healthcare because it is a well documented phenomena..anecdotal my 🍑

Thanks for sharing

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Yeah, it’s (the moon) hit or miss with me too. This time though, it was a stampede!! 😂😂

I’m enjoying your page so much. Very glad I found you! 🥰 All good things to ya!

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Aww thank you and same to you!

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Great memes Kristin! 😂You put up with some shit at work and these portray it perfectly.

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Thank you Trudi! All good and all for the greater good.

I do actually love to make my patients laugh, usually with a catheter joke 🤣

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I bet you do 😂

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